July and August

Summer Enrollment

At Beginnings & Beyond we understand the need for families to have the option for summer enrollment. Our Summer program is available only to students who are enrolled in our school year that starts September.  It  runs July through August for 7-8 weeks.

Summer Tuition

Summer tuition is by the week to assist families who would like to take a vacation. Hours offered may be slightly different depending on the needs of the current families and the availability of teachers.

New Students Enrolling

Enrollment is open to returning students and to new students enrolling for fall. Sorry we do not accept children who are not enrolled in our school year program.

2024 Summer School Information

July 8-August 23

Program Hours Weekly Cost
Morning 8:00-12:00 $200*
Traditional 8:00-3:30 $270*
Mid Afternoon 8:00-4:30 $290*
Full Time 8:00-5:30 $325*

*A $30 per week fee will be added for children under 3 years old or being potty trained.

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