In an emergency, earthquake or any other disaster occurring at Beginnings & Beyond, we urge you to follow the procedure below:

1.  WAIT, do not come to school immediately.

2.  DO NOT call the school, we will call you when we are able.

3. STAY TUNED. Community disasters will be reported on the radio. Have a transistor radio and listen to it for directions. Emergency information will be broadcast locally on radio stations KCBS 740, and possibly other Bay Area stations.

4. Be assured that the teachers are giving your child any emergency care that they may need. They too are listening to the radio and will be hearing the same instructions.

5.   The safest place in case of disaster is to be off the city streets and out of the way of emergency and rescue equipment.

6. If the church facility is habitable we will remain in our rooms.

7. If we must evacuate the building we will go to:

  1. the church parking lot (on Colfax Street)
  2. Todos Santos Park or
  3. where authorities direct us


8. When it is determined to be safe and you arrive at school to pick up your child:


  1. Park so emergency vehicles can get through.
  2. Sign out your child with the director or teachers.
  3. If pick up person is NOT on your pick up list, (send a signed note). We will ask for identification before releasing your child.
  4. If possible, spend some time at the school to help with the other children.


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